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Telephone: 01276 471675

Email: clerk@windleshampc.gov.uk

Climate Change Statement

WINDLESHAM Parish Council, along with 70 other councils in the UK agreed at its Full Council meeting, held on 23rd July, to support a climate emergency. This is supported by the IPCC (The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change).

The UK Climate Change Select Committee confirmed that we have seen a 0.8 degree C increase in temperatures. The IPCC have declared to limit future increases to 1.5 degree C, it will be necessary to halve global Co2 emissions by 2030 and have zero emissions by 2050.

With this evidence the Council have agreed to;

• Produce a climate change strategy that commits to making climate change a priority.

• Have a dedicated web page to communicate and inform residents of plans and how they can get involved.

• Have already switched to use green energy, as from July

• Will review all its own emissions, single use plastics and waste. It will set a benchmark and audit this each year.

• Will work towards the eradication of single use plastics in the Parish

• Support and encourage the planting of trees and wildflowers.

• Work with local businesses particularly ‘take away’ providers, to see how they can help reduce the use of single use plastics

• Review the provision of cycle racks in prominent and safe areas in our villages and encourage cycling.

• Work with local schools to reduce the use of cars taking children to school.

• The Council will review the first draft and further actions at their Full Council meeting in September.



Telephone: 01276 471675

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