Telephone: 01276 471675
What is the purpose of the Annual Parish Meeting? The purpose of the APM is to enable the registered electors to discuss parish affairs and to have a say on anything they consider valuable to the people of the parish. This meeting is also an opportunity for the Parish Council (and higher tiers of local government) and community group leaders to engage with residents, and to inform them of what the Council has been doing over the past year.
Committee Members: Cllr Lewis, Cllr Hardless, Cllr Marr, Cllr Richardson,
Committee Members: Cllr Alf Turner, Cllr Harris, Cllr Hartshorn, Cllr Jennings-Evans, Cllr Malcaus Cooper
Committee Members: Cllr Bakar, Cllr Du Cann, Cllr Gordon, Cllr White, Cllr Willgoss
Cllr Lewis, Cllr Marr, Cllr Hardless, Cllr Richardson, 2+ Community Representatives, 2 Members of the Business Community, 2 Community Groups, 1 Representative from the WNP Working Party
Committee members- Cllr Malcaus Cooper, Cllr Gordon, Cllr Stevens, Cllr Turner, Cllr Lewis
Committee Members: Cllr Turner, Cllr White, Cllr Willgoss, Cllr Marr, Stevens & Cllr Du Cann
Committee Members: R Jennings-Evans, Turner, White, Malcaus Cooper, D Jennings-Evans and Du Cann
Due to the Parish Council re-structure this Committee was disbanded in May 2021 and each cemetery is now the responsibility of the Village Committee in which it is situated.
Due to the Parish Council re-structure this Committee was disbanded in May 2021 and is now the responsibility of the Lightwater Village Committee
Due to the Parish Council re-structure this Committee was disbanded in May 2021
Committee Members: Cllr Halovsky-Yu (Chair), Cllr Reynolds, Cllr Chambers, Cllr Trentham (Vice-Chair), Cllr Malcaus Cooper, Cllr Stacey, Cllr Sturt
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