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Email: clerk@windleshampc.gov.uk

Surrey County Council Minerals and Waste Local Plan Consultation

Published: 14 January 2022

Have your say.....
Surrey County Council, as the Minerals and Waste Planning Authority, is preparing a new Minerals and Waste Local Plan for Surrey to provide an up to date minerals and waste planning framework for a period of 15-years.
The Minerals and Waste Local Plan will replace the Surrey Minerals Plan 2011 (and associated development plan documents) and the Surrey Waste Local Plan 2019, and be used to guide decisions about future minerals and waste management planning applications. It will also be a material consideration for Surrey’s district and borough councils in preparing their local development plans and making their planning decisions.
The Issues and Options public consultation will be open for a period of 16-weeks, from 15 November 2021 to 7 March 2022.
Please use the following link to be able to comment on details of the Issues and Options.


Telephone: 01276 471675

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