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Email: clerk@windleshampc.gov.uk

The Chair Report for May 2024 is here!

Published: 21 May 2024

Windlesham Parish Council Meeting – Tuesday 14th May 2024
Update for the residents of Bagshot, Lightwater and Windlesham
from the Chair of Council - Councillor Alf Turner


Please find below my update for residents of Bagshot, Lightwater, and Windlesham regarding our recent Parish Council meeting. This report is shorter than usual because the meeting primarily focused on necessary governance and administrative matters for the year ahead. However, I hope you still find it useful and welcome any comments, either directly or through local councillors. You can find their contact details through the links below.

1.      Election of the Chair and Vice Chair of Full Council

The first task of the May meeting each year is for the Council members to hold elections for key roles. I am pleased to report that I, Alf Turner, was re-elected as Chair, and Councillor Valerie White was elected as Vice Chair of Council.

As Chair, I informed the Council that I would not be accepting the new additional Chair Allowance. In a future meeting, the Council will decide how these budgeted funds can be re-purposed to benefit the parish. 

I would also like to take the opportunity to thank Councillor Rebecca Jennings-Evans for the hard work and dedication she has shown in her role as Vice Chair over the past year.


2.      Public Comments & Question Time

There were 3 members of the public and 3 Borough Councillors present in the meeting but no questions were raised.


3.   Governance for the year ahead

The Full Council noted and approved the Committee Membership, Terms of Reference, Scheme of Delegation, and meeting schedule for the upcoming year. The committee membership for all three Village Committees remains unchanged. The Planning, Personnel, and Communications Committee memberships are broadly the same as in previous years, with Chairs to be elected at their next meetings.


The only significant change is the establishment of the Community Governance Review (CGR) Working Group. This group was created to address a request made to Surrey Heath Borough Council, by Windlesham Village Councillors, alongside Borough Councillors to split Windlesham Village from the existing Parish Council. More information on the CGR will be provided over the summer.


The Full Council also noted and approved the Standing Orders, and policies, which the Council is required to conduct annually. Additionally, Members approved external representation on outside organisations and reappointed the Data Protection Officer to ensure ongoing compliance with GDPR.


4. Finances and Fixed Assets

There are no financial issues as the new financial year commences. New licenses were approved for Adobe software, and it was agreed to open a new bank account with Unity Trust Bank, which is well-known for supporting local government organisations.


The Full Council reviewed and approved the revised Finance Regulations, updated in line with National Association of Local Councils guidance. Additionally, the Council approved a register of fixed assets. The total value of assets is nearly £380K, encompassing land and other assets owned by the Parish Council.


5. Christmas 2024

Although we are still in the early stages of summer, planning is already underway for Christmas. Once again the Council has approved the provision of Christmas trees and festive lighting for all three villages.


6. Sale of Hook Mill Lane Depot

In line with the resolution from the February Full Council meeting, a notice of intent to sell the land at Hook Mill Lane was placed in the Surrey Advertiser. The Council has now received eight expressions of interest. The Clerk has contacted land agents and conveyancing solicitors to request quotes for their services; however, only one quote has been received so far. A full report will be presented at the next Full Council meeting.


7. Bagshot Cemetery Wall Repair

The repair of the perimeter wall at Bagshot Cemetery has experienced some setbacks caused by the presence of tree roots hindering the laying of necessary foundations. A tree specialist has assessed the situation and officers are working with the contractor to find a resolution.


8. Greenspace Procurement

The initial market engagement process continues.


9. Windlesham Neighbourhood Plan

The SharePoint site is currently being set up and is undergoing testing.


10. Village War Memorials – Routine Structural Surveys

The process of obtaining quotes for routine structural surveys on all war memorials within the Parish is ongoing. Additionally, quotes are being sought to refurbish the lettering on the Lightwater and Windlesham memorials. Please note that all three war memorials are Grade II listed, and all works will require approval from SHBC planning.


11. Correspondence

The Clerk reported that she had received a Freedom of Information Request (FOI) relating to the previous CGR in 2019.


Forthcoming meetings in the next month:

·       Windlesham Village Committee – 29th May

·       Planning Committee – 29th May and 12th June

·       Full Council Meeting – 25th June (only if required)

Full details of Council meetings will be on the Windlesham Parish Council Website before the meeting with a link as follows: Home - Windlesham Parish Council (windleshampc.gov.uk)


Contact details:

Bagshot Councillor contact details

Lightwater Councillor contact details

Windlesham Councillor contact details


If you would like to contact Jo Whitfield, Clerk to the Council or visit the office please use the link below to view the office opening hours and contact details:

Contact Us - Windlesham Parish Council (windleshampc.gov.uk)


Alf Turner

Chair of Windlesham Parish Council

19th May 2024


Telephone: 01276 471675

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