ANPR Cameras in Windlesham
Published: 30 April 2019
the recent announcements relating to ANPR cameras to be deployed in Windlesham,
the Police and ANPR Manager have provided the following statement to ensure
that all residents are clear about the situation
from Paul Palmer, ANPR Manager Surrey and Sussex Police:
“We are jointly responding to some recent publicity
regarding Automatic Number Plate Recognition in the
village. We do so to correct a number of inaccuracies and to ensure that
residents are clear as to what is going on.
Village representatives were informed that a number of
re-deployable ANPR cameras are available to the Police. These will be deployed
to help tackle emerging crime, special events, etc. Given the emerging burglary
issue locally Surrey Police looked at temporarily siting ANPR cameras to help
support the local policing team. We wish to make it clear that ANPR cameras are
only approved for deployment for a temporary period of time. This was explained
at the time.
Although over-size goods vehicles in the village was
discussed, this has no connection with the temporary ANPR cameras that will be
positioned at Police agreed locations strategically placed on feeder routes
into the village, these will be away from the HGV limits. They will not, and
indeed cannot, be utilised for any HGV infringements.
The ANPR initiative that aims to support the local community has
become somewhat distorted in translation and we hope this sets the record