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Telephone: 01276 471675

Email: clerk@windleshampc.gov.uk

20MPH for Windlesham Village Centre

Published: 27 March 2019

20 MPH in the centre of Windlesham

Over the last few months I have been looking at what further work can be done to improve the centre of Windlesham we completed speed surveys and looked at the possibility of putting a pedestrian crossing in. The Parish have contributed £10,000 of CIL money towards this work. Highways have now confirmed that a pedestrian crossing would not work. However they have given the green light to implementing 20 MPH in the centre. The exact extent of the reduced area has yet to be established.

Last night the Parish agreed to use this money towards the design of a scheme to make part of the village 20 MPH. We have agreed to form a task group including members of the neighbourhood plan to discuss with highways what we can achieve. We will then design options to put to the public in September. We would delay any changes till after the SSE work is completed.

I hope residents will agree this is a significant step forward and something residents have asked for. My thanks to our Parish who are supporting without which this work could not commence, also to the highways team who will now help to design the scheme.

Best Wishes,

Mike Goodman


Telephone: 01276 471675

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