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Telephone: 01276 471675

Email: clerk@windleshampc.gov.uk

Surrey Heath Cycle Plan

Have your say on cycling in Surrey Heath

Surrey County Council are developing a local cycle plan for Surrey Heath. This involves identifying key routes for cycle infrastructure that we would like to develop when opportunities are available.

Suggested (and existing) cycle infrastructure can be viewed on our online map https://arcg.is/1SHGam0. Comments can be left on the anonymous form https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/R28PDXC or emailed to travelsmart@surreycc.gov.uk.

This is a requirement from the Surrey Cycling Strategy available at surreycc.gov.uk/roads-and-transport/policies-plans-consultations/surrey-transport-plan/surrey-transport-plan-strategies/surrey-cycling-strategy and details on the Surrey Heath Cycle Plan will be online here https://www.travelsmartsurrey.info/cycling/district-and-borough-cycling-plans/surrey-heath-cycling-plan.

The closing date for initial comments to be written into the plan is Monday 28 May but the survey will stay open for ongoing comments.


Telephone: 01276 471675

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